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My real name is Grae Katzinalenbogen. It's a mouthful, right? Katzinalenbogen is Latvian for "cat's elbow". I have no middle name, and I was originally going to be named Gaer, but I ended up with the name Grae due to a typo on my birth certificate....

Other... uh... "stuff"....

Just for you, I've compiled a list of facts about me. Short, but I'll update it frequently.

I know 3 programming languages

I'm a total computer geek (hence calling me a nerd is a compliment :D)

I have 10,000+ legos (due to the owning of the Death Star 2, the 2nd biggest lego model ever (the Taj Mahal has approx. 5,672, the Death Star 2 has approx. 5,328))

I go to Lenape Elementary School (Don't bother looking for me, you'll waste your time)

I am in 5th grade, though I'll be 12 before the end of school (My b-day's the cutoff date)

My birthday is June 20th, 1998

I like math :D

My phone number is +1845-901-5239 (call me whenever, but texting is preferred)

I live in New York, USA (I'm around 50 miles from New York City)

I can make awesome pictures for you

My e-mail is

My mailing adre- Hey, wait, I'm not telling you D:<

I like to update lists such as this one, so I don't have to do it all at once