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''This page needs editing to give a better explanation of each custom feature.''
'''Custom Features''' are extra features that can be added to Custom Levels on [[Return To Wonderland]]. There are 4 types of custom features: Custom Textures, Custom Backgrounds, Custom Models, and Custom Houses.
'''Custom Features''' are extra features that can be added to Custom Levels on [[Return To Wonderland]]. There are 4 types of custom features.
== Custom Houses ==
Using the house template to edit from, you can make different-looking houses to use in levels.
== Custom Textures ==
This is the most used type of custom feature. You can make custom textures to make the walls and floors in your level look different.
== Custom Backgrounds ==
Use custom backgrounds to make the background behind your level look different.
== Custom Models ==
Use Custom Models to add 3D objects to your levels.
