Robot City: Difference between revisions

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(World 4. Only thirty minutes in the making this time (minus the time BB took making his solutions last year).)
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'''Robot City''' is the fourth world of the [[Return to Wonderland]] classic set. All solutions provided here are courtesy of [[Wonderland Discussion Board]] member '[ billy bob]'.
'''Robot City''' is the fourth world of [[Return to Wonderland]] Classic Edition and contains 10 levels. Several of the levels in this world make use of [[Z-Bot]]s and the newly-introduced [[UFO|Flying Saucers]]. [[Conveyor Belt#Switching Conveyors|Switchers]] also make their first appearance in this world.

==Level 1: Starlight Lounge==
All the levels in this world use the "Purple" [[texture]]. Most of them use the "City" background with a couple of them instead using the "Walls" and "Stars" backgrounds.
[[File:RTWC W4L1.JPG|200px|thumb|right|Level 1: Starlight Lounge.]]
A tower puzzle that mainly concerns [[Steel Boxes]] and [[Z-Bots]].
Put Stinky on the pink button.  

Get Loof to dodge the electro tiles and Zbot's and collect the keys (the middle electro tile will be the easiest to go through).
*Level 1: [[Starlight Lounge]]
*Level 2: [[Close Encounters of the Wonderland Kind]]
*Level 3: [[Multi-Function Reflectors]]
*Level 4: [[Catch Me If You Can]]
*Level 5: [[Switcheroo!]]
*Level 6: [[Switch and Bait]]
*Level 7: [[Floating Platforms]]
*Level 8: [[Sharp Shooter]]
*Level 9: [[Loading Dock]]
*Level 10: [[Space Station Zeta]]

Go back through the electro tiles and through the open pink gate dodging the Zbot's.
[[Category:Return to Wonderland]]
Put Loof down the conveyor and on the pink button.
Get Stinky through the open pink gate dodging the Zbot's.
Move Stinky down the conveyors.
Push the leftest box down two squares and enter the red teleport from the left.
Reenter the red teleport from above.
Again enter the red teleport from above by pushing the top left box right and then go back through from the right.
Push the rightest box down two squares and enter the yellow teleport from the right.
Reenter the yellow teleport from above.
Again enter the yellow teleport from above by pushing the top right box left and then go back through from the right.
Collect both bonus coins right and left of the green teleport.
Go through the green teleport then enter it again from above.
Go back through the green teleport and exit dodging the Zbot's.
Put the other stinker through the green teleport and then go to the exit with that stinker to dodging the Zbot's.
==Level 2: Close Encounters of the Wonderland Kind==
[[File:RTWC W4L2.JPG|200px|thumb|right|Level 2: Close Encounters of the Wonderland Kind.]]
Introduces [[Flying Saucers]], which mainly serve as threats in this level.
I can't really give much help on the beginning bonus coins, you can get the UFOs to destroy each other by moving out of the way quickly, but if you go into the next part of the level and down the pathway below the sign then one UFO will be destroyed making it a bit easier.
After collecting the beginning bonus coins get Stinky below the bottom left box and wait until one fire ball is shot from a UFO.
Get Stinky to push the box two spaces above him/her into the water and collect both keys dodging the UFO.
Push the top box right into the water.
Push the remaining box up and right two spaces and collect the remaining bonus coin and the remaining coin.
Push the bottom reflector left and push the other reflector up.
Get the rightest UFO to fire until there is no Coily's remaining.
Push the top reflector right and then go up to the exit.
==Level 3: Multi-Function Reflectors==
[[File:RTWC W4L3.JPG|200px|thumb|right|Level 3: Multi-Function Reflectors.]]
Uses [[Reflectors]] to help blow up [[Wooden Boxes]], destroy Flying Saucers, and build bridges.
Push the bottom left reflector left of the top reflector.
Wait until one shot has occurred then move the top two reflectors down into the water two spaces above the leftest box.
Push the pushable box down then push the button and collect the three keys that Stinky can collect.
Push the box that is pushable up and into the water that is above the other boxes.
When the UFO is on the right side of the bottom reflector, press the pink button.
Push the bottom reflector up into you can't anymore then keep dodging the UFO.
The UFO will go into the top compartment and eventually get destroyed.
When it does, push the bottom reflector up into the top compartment and put it in the line of fire (as long as it isn't above the wall or below the water when doing so).
Push the leftest reflector right of the other reflector.
When one of the boxes has been obliterated, push the remaining box down and collect the remaining coins then push the remaining box left two spaces and then down then left until it goes into the water, then collect the three bonus coins that Stinky can collect.
Push a reflector down through the left passage and then push it right into the open key gate and then push it two more and then push it down and then right until it goes into the water.
Push the remaining reflector down through the left passage and then push it left into the open key gate and then push it two more and then push it down and then right until it goes into the water.
Collect the remaining bonus coins then go to the exit.
==Level 4: Catch Me If You Can==
[[File:RTWC W4L4.JPG|200px|thumb|right|Level 4: Catch Me If You Can.]]
Loof must lure [[Yellow Chompers]] into Flying Saucer fire. Afterwards, Stinky and Loof have to solve a Z-Bot puzzle.
Move Loof left and down three spaces and left again.
Move Loof right and then three spaces down and then right again.
Move Loof left and down six spaces and then left again.
Press the pink button then run right as much as you can and then up four spaces then left.
Go right then left.
Go right then left.
Go right then left.
Go right then left.
Go right then down as much as you can then left as much as you can.
Collect the keys and bonus coin at the bottom.
Get Stinky to press the yellow button then go through the open yellow gate and the open key gate.
Push the top boulder up without killing the Zbot's then get Loof left of the boulder of the top boulder and then make him/her go up one space.
Get Stinky to push the top boulder left then get him/her to push the other boulder up.
Get Loof to push the boulder below him/her down without killing Zbot's then go up again, make sure you keep dodging the Zbot's after this.
Get Stinky to push the other boulder left, then get him/her to go on the cyan button avoiding Zbot's.
Get Loof to push that boulder down without killing Zbot's then when a Zbot is on the green button let go of the cyan.
Still dodging Zbot's, make your way to the exit with both stinkers.
==Level 5: Switcheroo!==
[[File:RTWC W4L5.JPG|200px|thumb|right|Level 5: Switcheroo!]]
Introduces [[Switchers]]. Stinky must use them to get some boxes in water.
Keep going right and go through the conveyors.
Go right one then keep going down and onto the conveyors.
Push the nearest box up until it is in the water.
Go up onto the conveyors yourself then go back onto the middle conveyor path.
Go onto the middle conveyor path again then push the nearest box down until it is on the conveyors.
Go down yourself then go right then up two spaces then go left.
Push the nearest box left then down until it is right of the sign then push it right three spaces then go onto the path yourself.
Go right then down two spaces then left then right then up two spaces then go through the middle conveyor path again.
Push the lowest box left then up until it is right of the sign then push it right until it is on the conveyor path.
Go on the path yourself then go right then up two spaces then left, then go onto the middle conveyor path.
Push the nearest box down until it is on the conveyor path, then go on there yourself.
Go right then up two spaces then right again, then go left until you are on a conveyor path.
Push the remaining box left two spaces then up until it is right of the sign then push it right until it is on the conveyor path, then go on the conveyor path yourself.
Go right then go down two spaces, then go left then right and up two spaces, then go left, then go through the middle conveyor path again.
Push the remaining box left two spaces then up until it is right of the sign then push it right until it is on the conveyors, then go on the conveyors yourself.
Go right then up two spaces then left then go through the middle path, then go through the middle path again then push the remaining box down two spaces.
Go down yourself then go right then up two spaces, then push the remaining box right until it is in the water then collect the bonus coin then go to the exit.
==Level 6: Switch and Bait==
[[File:RTWC W4L6.JPG|200px|thumb|right|Level 6: Switch and Bait.]]
Explores more advanced uses of Switchers.
Push the highest box down then right one spaces.
Go along the icy route two spaces right of you two times.
Push the highest box up and right two spaces.
Go along the icy route one space right of you three times.
Push the metal box up four spaces.
Go along the icy route one space right of you three times.
Push the highest wooden box up until it is below the metal box then push the box right two spaces.
Go along the icy route one space right of you three times.
Push the metal box down then right two spaces.
Go along the icy route one space right of you four times.
Push the metal box four spaces right.
Push the metal box until it is below a canon.
Push the metal box left two spaces then collect all the keys.
Push the metal box right two spaces.
Push the second lowest box up seven spaces then right two spaces.
Go along the icy route one space right of you four times.
Push the metal box four spaces right.
Push the metal box left until it goes back on the ice route.
Go along the icy route one space left of you four times.
Push the box left then down three spaces then left two spaces then collect the bonus coins.
Go back through the icy route then go right five spaces then go up until you are below the metal box.
Push the metal box right two spaces then go down then right then down until you reach the exit.
==Level 7: Floating Platforms==
[[File:RTWC W4L7.JPG|200px|thumb|right|Level 7: Floating Platforms.]]
Explores how Flying Saucer fire can be used to clear pathways.
Get Loof on the break tile under the green teleport then go up into the teleport with Loof.
Push the reflector down two spaces then left then up.
Get stinky to go on the break tile below of the yellow button then go on the yellow button.
Wait until two fireballs have shot from the UFO then push the reflector right then down two spaces then right using Loof.
Wait until a fireball has shot then move Loof up.
When the fireball has gone passed, go down and wait until a fireball has shot then move Loof up.
Get Stinky to go up six spaces then go down two.
Get Stinky to go right then up then right as much as you can then down as much as you can then up as much as you can then left as much as you can then down as much as you can.
Get Stinky through the yellow teleport then collect the key then go down two spaces then left then up then left as much as you can then down as much as you can then up as much as you can then right as much as you can then down until you are above a break tile.
Get Loof on the pink button by going through the blue teleport.
Get stinky through the icy path then below the bottom right box.
Wait until the three boxes above you are obliterated then go left two spaces.
Once more boxes are obliterated, get Loof off the pink button.
Push the box above Stinky up until it is in the water.
Push a box left then up until it is in the water.
Push another box left then up until it is in the water.
Push the remaining box left then up until it is in the water.
Press the cyan button then get Stinky through the ice path then keep going right until you are through the green teleport.
Get Stinky through the blue teleport then get both stinkers to the exit.
==Level 8: Sharp Shooter==
[[File:RTWC W4L8.JPG|200px|thumb|right|Level 8: Sharp Shooter.]]
Stinky must time his steps very carefully to make a UFO destroy ten boxes and not destroy him.
Get the UFO fire to activate then get Stinky to move out of the way just in time so he doesn't get shot and the UFO fire hits the boxes, do this with all boxes.
Go to the bonus coins when the UFO is on the very left or the very right of the screen.
Go back from the bonus coin section when the UFO is on the very left or the very right of the screen.
Walk through the route to the exit and go to the exit.
==Level 9: Loading Dock==
[[File:RTWC W4L9.JPG|200px|thumb|right|Level 9: Loading Dock.]]
Stinky must step at exactly the right time to prevent UFOs from firing.
Go left as much as you can until you are through the yellow teleport while dodging the UFOs.
Go left then up as much as you can.
Go down until you are above the teleport, when three UFOs are obliterated go down as much as you can.
Go left as much as you can then go right one space then down then right then up.
Go up as much as you can while dodging the UFOs then push the leftest box right then go above the wooden box then go down as much as you can while dodging the UFOs.
Push the box right as much as you can while dodging the UFOs.
Go right as much as you can until you reach the yellow teleport.
Go up as much as you can while dodging the UFOs then push the nearest box left then go above that box then go down as much as you can while dodging the UFOs.
Push the nearest box right as much as you can while dodging the UFOs.
Go through the open pink and yellow gate and go up as much as you can without getting shot.
Go right as much as you can then down until you are above the coin.
Once the kaboom is obliterated, collect the coin below and then go up as much as you can then go left as much as you can and you will reach the exit.
==Level 10: Space Station Zeta==
[[File:RTWC W4LA.JPG|200px|thumb|right|Level 10: Space Station Zeta.]]
Stinky must use reflectors and saucer fire to eliminate some Z-Bots.
Enter the green teleport and then the blue teleport from below.
Push the top left reflector down as much as you can and enter the blue teleport and reenter the blue teleport from the left.
Push the top right reflector left as much as you can and enter the blue teleport and reenter from the top.
Push the bottom right reflector up as much as you can then enter the blue teleport and reenter from the right.
Push the bottom left reflector right as much as you can then enter the blue teleport and reenter from the bottom.
Push the top left reflector down as much as you can then enter the blue teleport and reenter from the left.
Push the top right reflector left as much as you can then enter the blue teleport and reenter from the top.
Push the bottom right reflector up as much as you can then enter the blue teleport and reenter from the right.
Push the bottom left reflector right as much as you can then push it up then enter the blue teleport and reenter from the bottom.
Push the top left reflector down as much as you can then enter the blue teleport then go right of the green teleport.
Go up then when a fireball comes then go down and then when the fireball has passed you go back up then when a fireball comes go back down then when it has passed go back up, repeat this until there are no Zbot's left.
Go into the green teleport then go into the red and collect the bonus coins while dodging the UFO.
Then go back through the red teleport and collect the keys and go to the exit.
