My real name is Jacob, and I live in Minnesota, USA. I have been playing the Wonderland games for longer than I can remember. The first one I got was WSW, then WA, then TOW, then RTWP, and finally MOFI. I have the tendency to be addicted to one game at a time. I am twelve years old and in 7th Grade. Recently I have been playing the MMORPG Toontown Online, but have suspended it to work on my Wonderland project, WA: QftRS. My levels include:

Return to Wonderland Platinum
--Coily Coop: My only RTW level, it includes Stinky surviving in a 2x2 space until a cannon blows up 4 boxes.
Wonderland Adventures Editor
Chomper Cave Quintet:
--Chomper Cave: The player is sent into Chomper Cave to find the lost Orange Magic by Zica Lala. 3 days in the making.
--Chompers and Blinks: The player tries to get away from some uber-fast Chompers by means of Blink. 15 minutes in the making.
--Chomper Guardians: The player attempts to claim 5 different Cavern Keys guarded by Chompers. 3 days in the making.
--Chomper Strongholds: The player shuts down 4 Chomper factories in order to find a GlowGem. 3 days in the making.
--Chompers of the Void: The player must make it out of the Cave, now revealed to be the Void, and battle the Chomper General. 1 month in the making.
Individual Levels:
--The Council of Thwarts: One of my best levels. The player must obtain keys from the 7 Thwarts to gain accesss to the Council room. Originally meant to be start of series "Wonder War I."
--Passageway Gates: The player must open the correct number of passageways between some colored squares.
--Transporter Trouble: The player must navigate their way through a maze of transporters, which was drawn up while I was watching my sister's Lego League tournament.
--Scritter Hockey: A quick adventure involving Scritters on ice.
--Teleport Maze: An adventure modeled after MoFI's Mystery Island.
--Stinkers on the Lake: A compact adventure including a variety of themes.
--Transporters and Turtles: Title says all.
Cuboid Challenge Trilogy:
Cuboid Challenge I, II, and III were all challenging adventures that required using FireFlowers to blow up some cuboids without getting incinerated yourself. The FireFlowers were known to be noobs and could take 1337 hits before exploding. This was my only series without a storyline.
The Order of the Z-Bot:
--Chompers in the Windmill: After arriving at the Wonderland Teleport Agency, you go to Jedlic's windmill and escape from the Scritters, which have turned into Chompers.
--The Order of the Z-Bot: Having been kidnapped by the mysterious Order of the Z-Bot, you must try to find a way to escape being assimilated and save Jedlic while doing it.
--Escape from the Headquarters: You have set the Order of the Z-Bot HQ to auto-destruct, but you still have to get out. Near the end of the adventure, you encounter the leader of the Order, who claims to have met you many times before...
Collision of Worlds:
I'll add this in later because I'm lazy.
Ginormous Projects:
--Wonderland Adventures: Quest for the Rainbow Stars (WA: QftRS): Wonderland is threatened by the evil Shadow Stars, and it's up to you and your team of three to find all 7 Rainbow Stars and stop the invasion! Modeled after the original WA, QftRS packs in action and adventure into one grand storyline. Each major area has a seperate storyline of its own. Constantly at your side are Reinsfeld, Octesian, and Shimmer, a young Silver Star. For more information see the official forum topic.