Upon further Reflection...

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Upon further Reflection...
WorldBack in the Swing of Things
Playable StinkersStinky
Rainbow Coins6
Bonus Coins8
Music TrackTrack 3

Upon further Reflection... is the third level in Back in the Swing of Things. It further demonstrates the properties of Reflectors and contains a couple of puzzles where multiple Reflectors must be correctly lined up to have fireballs destroy Wooden Boxes. It is also snowing throughout the level.


Walkthrough courtesy of Wonderland Discussion Board member 'billy bob'

Push the nearest reflector up two spaces and wait until both Coily's are destroyed and then walk across three bridges without getting shot.

Push the reflector below the canon up then push the other reflector right.

When both boxes are gone, push the rightest reflector down two spaces.

When a box has gone collect the keys in the top right corner.

Push the highest box left as much as you can then down three spaces then left until it is in the water.

Push the reflector above down three spaces then right three spaces.

Push the reflector that is nearest to the exit up as much as you can and then right as much as you can.

When another box has gone collect all the bonus coins.

Push the lowest reflector right two spaces, once another box has gone collect the remaining coins then go to the exit.