Boxes are the abundant cubes found in the Classic Trilogy of Wonderland. They make up a majority of the puzzles. Stinkers have the ability to push boxes around. They should be careful, though, for they may mess up and get stuck.
How Boxes Work
Boxes can be pushed one Tile at a time by Stinkers and a few other creatures. If a box is pushed into another Stinker, that Stinker would die. Boxes can be pushed into Water in Lava. Some boxes float in Water and some do not and only Steel Boxes can withstand Lava. Boxes can be used to hold down Buttons and block enemies. It takes one box that can float to fill a Water hole and two boxes that can't float to fill a Water hole. Only one box can be pushed at a time. For information on specific boxes, check out Wooden Boxes, Steel Boxes, Powder Kegs, Sticky Cubes, and/or Ice Boxes.