Wonderland Adventures Editor

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Revision as of 07:09, 22 May 2011 by Dlcs18 (talk | contribs)
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The Wonderland Adventures Editor is an editor for Wonderland Adventures. Many users have used it. Fourm users hack it to make their own Pseudo-Wonderland Adventures games.


  • Placing something south out of the area can cause a MAV.

Common Object Properties

Note: In the Wonderland Adventures Editor, the Y axis is the "forward and backward" axis, and the Z axis is the "up and down" axis.

  • Yaw/Pitch/RollAdjust: These properties adjust the rotation of an object around an axis. Yaw = Z rotation, Pitch = X rotation, and Roll = Y rotation.
  • X/Y/ZAdjust: This controls the positioning of the object, relative to the tile that you place it on.
  • ScaleAdjust: Sets the size of an object.
  • ID: This is the unique identifier of an object. You can use this to destroy or toggle objects, or make Stinker's do certain actions like walking to another tile.
  • Colour/Subcolour: This sets the colours of gates, buttons, transporters, and other things. The SubColour feature can be used to give same-coloured objects a different identity.
  • Active: Sets if an object is active or not. Usually this means setting if an object is visible or not. For Gates, it sets if the gate is open or closed. (Active = closed)

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