They Came From Beyond The River!

They Came From Beyond The River!
WorldFull Circle
Playable StinkersStinky
Rainbow Coins3
Bonus Coins0
Music TrackTrack 2

They Came From Beyond The River! is the sixth level in Full Circle (fifth in Stinky and Loof in Wonderland). The level has Stinky pushing Wooden Boxes to make a bridge across a pool of water, and he must not let them get destroyed by the Flying Saucers.


Walkthrough courtesy of Wonderland Discussion Board member 'billy bob'

Push the box three spaces below you down four spaces.

When a UFO is on the very left of the level Go to the very left of the level then go to the very right of the level.

When there are two UFOs at the very left of the level go to the very left of the level, if there is not go to the very right of the level.

Push the fourth leftest box down eleven spaces.

Push the leftest of the highest boxes right three spaces then down twelve spaces.

Push the highest box left three spaces then down thirteen spaces.

Push the leftest of the highest boxes right three spaces then down ten spaces.

Push the leftest box right three spaces then down eight spaces.

Push the highest box left three spaces then down fifteen spaces.

Push the highest box left three spaces then down thirteen spaces.

Push the remaining box left three spaces then down eleven spaces.

Collect all the keys then go to the exit.