Floating Platforms

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Floating Platforms
WorldRobot City
Playable StinkersStinky, Loof
Rainbow Coins2
Bonus Coins4
Music TrackTrack 4

Floating Platforms is the seventh level in Robot City. The level has Stinky and Loof holding down Buttons and using Flying Saucer shots to destroy Wooden Boxes.


Walkthrough courtesy of Wonderland Discussion Board member 'billy bob'

Get Loof on the break tile under the green teleport then go up into the teleport with Loof.

Push the reflector down two spaces then left then up.

Get stinky to go on the break tile below of the yellow button then go on the yellow button.

Wait until two fireballs have shot from the UFO then push the reflector right then down two spaces then right using Loof.

Wait until a fireball has shot then move Loof up.

When the fireball has gone passed, go down and wait until a fireball has shot then move Loof up.

Get Stinky to go up six spaces then go down two.

Get Stinky to go right then up then right as much as you can then down as much as you can then up as much as you can then left as much as you can then down as much as you can.

Get Stinky through the yellow teleport then collect the key then go down two spaces then left then up then left as much as you can then down as much as you can then up as much as you can then right as much as you can then down until you are above a break tile.

Get Loof on the pink button by going through the blue teleport.

Get stinky through the icy path then below the bottom right box.

Wait until the three boxes above you are obliterated then go left two spaces.

Once more boxes are obliterated, get Loof off the pink button.

Push the box above Stinky up until it is in the water.

Push a box left then up until it is in the water.

Push another box left then up until it is in the water.

Push the remaining box left then up until it is in the water.

Press the cyan button then get Stinky through the ice path then keep going right until you are through the green teleport.

Get Stinky through the blue teleport then get both stinkers to the exit.