Wondertown Video Arcade

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The interior of the Wondertown Video Arcade

The Wondertown Video Arcade (also called the Wondertown Games Arcade, sometimes shortened to the Games Arcade) is an arcade owned by Reetroo in Wonderland Adventures. It is located in the park area of Wondertown. Initially, it is closed off, and there is a line of Stinkers waiting outside for the grand opening. It opens up once the player clears The Package in Ocean View Harbour.

Inside the arcade, the player can talk to Reetroo who welcomes them to the arcade and explains how it works. After Reetroo's explanation, the player is given a Token on the house. There are a couple of Stinkers celebrating their in-game accomplishments and a Stinker with a purple knit cap who has spent so much time in the arcade, they have lost track of time. When the player comments that it’s a sunny day out, they say they were going to play outside and packed sunscreen, but they want to try out the other games first. When the player inquires about the sunscreen, the Stinker gives it to them since the Stinker has no need for it.


There are five arcade machines in the Wondertown Video Arcade. To operate them, the player must use a Token while standing next to a machine. Each machine has 3 different levels. The first token activates the first level, the second token activates the second level, and the third token activates the last level. The games are based on or at least inspired by games originally released in the 1970s and 1980s.

The list of games is as follows: