Entry Denied
WorldAnd Then There Were Three
Playable StinkersStinky, Loof, Qookie
Rainbow Coins1
Bonus Coins6
Music TrackTrack 3

Entry Denied is the third level in And Then There Were Three. Stinky, Loof, and Qookie make it to the main gate of Wondertown and must construct a bridge out of Wooden Boxes and use some of them to intercept UFO fire so that all three Stinkers can safely enter the city.


Walkthrough courtesy of Wonderland Discussion Board member 'billy bob'

With Qookie quickly move the leftest of the highest boxes right then the box below up.

Quickly push the box you just pushed right two spaces then push the leftest box up four spaces.

Quickly push the box you just pushed right then up.

Quickly push the box you just pushed right three spaces then push the highest of the leftest boxes up three spaces.

Quickly push the box you just pushed right three spaces then with Loof push the highest box left.

Quickly push the box below up then left two spaces.

Quickly push the highest box up three spaces then left three spaces.

Quickly push the box you just pushed down then push the rightest box up four spaces.

Quickly push the box you just pushed left then up.

Quickly push the box you just pushed left three spaces then down two spaces.

With Stinky quickly move through the path above then push the leftest of the highest boxes right.

Push the rightest box up four spaces then left two spaces.

Push the rightest of the lowest boxes left then push the box above up three spaces.

Push the box you just pushed left then up.

Push the box you just pushed right then collect all bonus coins.

Collect the coin then move all Stinkers to the exit.