The Midnight Post

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The Midnight Post is an online newsletter made by Midnight Synergy. (The creator of the Wonderland series.)


A new issue of The Midnight Post was originally released every two months, but new issues started to become less frequent in 2009, only one issue was released in 2010, and one issue was released on the very last day of 2011.

Common Features

Community Spotlight

The Community Spotlight is a section which showcases custom Wonderland-related creations created by users on the Wonderland Discussion Board.

Peegue's Puzzle Page

This section contains puzzles for the reader to try and solve.


Issue #1 (October 2005)

Link to Issue #1: Click here.
This issue contains a list of nine secrets about Wonderland, a Community Spotlight, a Peegue's Puzzle Page, and a picture of the "iLoof nano", which is a non-existing device for playing Wonderland levels on a tiny device.

Issue #2 (December 2005)

Link to Issue #2: Click here.
This issue contains the announcement of the Platinum Edition of Return To Wonderland (including a list of features), the announcement of Spongebob Squarepants Krabby Quest, a Community Spotlight, and a Peegue's Puzzle Page.

Issue #3 (February 2006)

Link to Issue #3: Click here].
This issue contains a showcase of some games by other developers, some information about a new Wonderland game (now known as Wonderland Adventures), a Community Spotlight, and a Peegue's Puzzle Page.