Rainbow Magic
Rainbow Magic is one of the main puzzle elements in Wonderland Adventures Trilogy. There are 7 types of Rainbow Magic, each corresponding to a colour in the rainbow: Floing (red), Pow (orange), Pop (yellow), Grow (green), Brr (blue), Flash (indigo), and Blink (purple).
Rainbow magic is cast by using Magic Gloves, and the energy balls that emerge from them are called spellballs. Magic Gloves can only be charged by walking into a glove charger of the corresponding colour, with the exception of Black Glove Chargers, which must be blinked onto.
Official Magic Types

Floing is the red Rainbow Magic, possibly the magic that has the most purpose in the storyline. It starts off being said that it cannot be charged with Magic Gloves. Instead, a Wondertown resident named Guggenheimer uses it to "Floing" the player back in time, allowing them to revisit levels that they have already completed before. When the player goes into an older adventure, newer items will not travel with the player, however if the player gets more gems or coins than the last time, they will be kept with the player.
In Mysteries of Fire Island, the player and Guggenheimer find the ability to cast Floing magic with the player's Magic Gloves, and it has four levels to practice it in. If the player uses the Time Glyph the player gets teleported to a void in time that is created where Floing is used called the Retro World. Certain adventures in Mysteries of Fire Island can only be accessed if the player use a Floing Orb to open them. Most of these levels are old ones from The Original Wonderland, but some elements are changed, for example: Loof becomes a Wee Stinker, and Boxes become Red Crabs.
When Floing magic is cast with the Magic Gloves, it creates a Floing bubble on the space where it was cast. This Floing bubble will temporarily freeze anything that comes into it (including the player, Critters, Stinkers, and spellballs, with the exception of flash and floing spellballs). After a few seconds, the Floing bubble will pop and the object/objects inside will unfreeze - the more Floing bubbles in an area, the quicker they pop.
Pow is a magic that lets the player destroy various objects, such as barrels, enemies, and Stinkers. It is the only magic that can't do anything when it "lands". It is also the only magic that is not taught to the player by another Stinker, instead, it is taught to the player by Shiver.
In old versions of the Wonderland Adventures Editor, there was a way to hex-edit the GloveCharge object to get Pow. The spell did actually work, due to Thwarts' and Fireflowers' Fireballs having the same effect as the spell in Mysteries of Fire Island. A limitation of this magic was that it could not be aimed directly at certain objects such as barrels, Thwarts, and Fireflowers. With the release of version 3.00, this is no longer necessary as the new version has official support for Pow magic.
Pow magic can also pop Rainbow Bubbles.
The Pop power lets the player remotely control Buttons, Transporters, Bridges and MooBots and trigger Lurkers. Buttons that are fired at will be pressed, Transporters will flip their direction and start moving, Bridges will flip their state (will go down if they are up and vice versa), and MooBots will start moving in the direction they are facing. The Pop power is shown to the player by Zoopi Lala in Wonderland Adventures and reminded to the player by Morklin in Mysteries of Fire Island.
Pop magic can also pop Rainbow Bubbles.
Casting Grow will create a Growflower, which acts like a Wall, and disappears in the same way as a Floing bubble (albeit lasting longer). Grow is shown to the player by Grennfleagel in Mysteries of Fire Island.
Grow can be used to kill creatures such as Chompers and Z-Bots. Dragonturtles are not affected.
The Brr power will travel in a straight line until it reaches an object (at which point the object will be frozen). The Brr power is shown to the player by OobibanDeNoobi in Wonderland Adventures.
When Brr is fired from something other than the player, it will freeze things forever. This form of Brr is typically referred to as Freeze. Ice Flowers and Ice Trolls shoot Freeze magic.
When Brr is fired at water by the player, the water tile will have a small circle of ice in the middle of it and will act like ice until it is stepped upon then it will return to normal water without the circle of ice in the middle of it.
Brr magic can also pop Rainbow Bubbles.
Flash is the indigo rainbow magic, introduced in Planet of the Z-Bots. A Flash spellball teleports objects it collides with into the far future ("flashes" them). The magic is then linked to the object, and the next time it is cast, it "re-flashes" the object back into the present at a new position. This allows the player to move various objects around the level. In the game engine, Flash simply teleports the object to (1, 1), and sets the object's appearance to be ghosty. Therefore, the (1, 1)s in all adventures with Flash are deliberately covered with high walls in order to hide tall objects (such as Fireflowers). Flash spellballs cannot be trapped in floing bubbles.
Not all objects can be flashed. Most smaller objects, such as barrels, Chompers, Fireflowers, Dragonturtles, other Stinkers and even the player (though not possible without the use of Custom Adventures) can be flashed and re-flashed. Larger objects, including scenery objects such as houses and trees, are immune to Flash magic. Power Cubes are also immune, along with Motherships and Z-Bot Prime. In addition, Flash magic can only be cast on land – it has no effect when cast on water.
Flash magic is shown to the player by Morklin in Planet of the Z-Bots.

Blink is a magic that lets the player teleport across anything except solid objects as long as it is on screen. It is shown to the player by Cedric-in-the-Morning in Wonderland Adventures. Blink is also the only magic that immobilizes the player until it reaches its destination tile.
Wall-Blinking / Blink Through Walls
When Wonderland Adventures was first released, there was a glitch where if the player attempted to cast a spellball past a wall, the spellball would travel through the wall as long as the player's Stinker was standing next to it. Despite the name "Blink Through Walls", the glitch works with any spellball. It was named as such due to the fact it can be used to make shortcuts not intended by Midnight Synergy by casting Blink spells through adjacent walls. However, it can also lead to the player being softlocked if used irresponsibly. Midnight Synergy would later release an update that disables this glitch. However, it can be reenabled by pressing Ctrl and B at the same time. Doing so will display the message "Wall-Blinking Activated (use at your own risk)".
While flying via a spring, the player can cast blink onto any open space. the player will continue flying in the same direction after being teleported to that space. Thus, the player has greater, though still limited, control over the path the player takes. This trick was discovered by MyNameIsKooky.
Unused / Glitch Magic Types
There are a variety of Rainbow Magic types that go unused in the Wonderland Adventures series. These can be obtained by using glitches, through hex-editing, or holding Shift when selecting a magic type in the Wonderland Adventures Editor. None of the unused magic types appear to have official names, so fan names are used where applicable.
Crimson Magic / Bounce

Bounce Magic is a type of Rainbow Magic that was scrapped sometime during the development of the first Wonderland Adventures. It is similar to Pow Magic in that its spellballs can destroy barrels, enemies, Stinkers, and other objects. However, Bounce spellballs have a unique property where if one is cast to a point more than two tiles away, it will begin targeting the player and can kill them if they don't get out of the way before it hits an object or dissipates. Bounce Magic was intended to be fired by an unused variant of FireFlower known as a MissileFlower and was likely not intended to be used by the player similar to how Pow Magic worked in the first Wonderland Adventures.
Bounce Magic can be obtained in the original Wonderland Adventures through a glitch. To perform it, the player needs to create a saved game before they obtain the Magic Gloves. After obtaining the Magic Gloves, the player must charge their gloves with magic and then load the save without Magic Gloves. The player can only activate Bounce Magic by clicking on the Magic Gloves icon. The magic charge counter starts at zero and counts down in negative numbers every time a spellball is fired and can be used an unlimited number of times. Unlike other magic, Bounce magic will not be lost when moving between areas.
In versions of the Wonderland Adventures Editor up to v0.96, this magic type can be used by setting the glove charger's colour to 0.
Bounce Magic was removed from Mysteries of Fire Island onward as the red magic is now assigned to Floing Magic.
The name "Bounce" was suggested by Dlcs18, and the colour Crimson was named by Emerald141. Due to its behavior, it is also called "Homing Missile."
Rainbow-colored magic can be used by setting the glove charger's colour to 8. This magic's spellballs do nothing.
Black Glove Chargers
Black glove chargers can be accessed by setting the glove charger's colour value to anything either -1 and below or 9 and above. The icons for these kinds of magic use icons intended for other parts of the game.
Magic from chargers with negative color values can only be used if the player Blinks onto the charger. These spellballs have the same effect as Pow magic and emit different particles depending on the color value.
Magic from black chargers with positive color values can be used normally. These spellballs don't do anything and emit smoke particles of different colors.
Star Magic
Star Magic is an example of a type of magic that can be obtained from a black Magic Charger. It has a color value of -1, and its spellballs emit white star particles. If obtained from a charger, the icon will be entirely transparent.
Star Magic can be obtained in every game in the Wonderland Adventures Trilogy aside from Planet of the Z-Bots though it has different properties depending on the game. In Wonderland Adventures and earlier versions of the Wonderland Adventures Editor, the player must create a saved gave with the Magic Gloves in their inventory but with no charge. Then the player has to charge their gloves with magic and finally reload the save without magic charge. The player can only activate Star Magic by clicking on the Magic Gloves icon. The magic charge counter starts at zero and counts down into negative numbers every time a spellball is fired, so the player can use Star Magic as many times as they would like as long as they don't leave their current area. In Mysteries of Fire Island and hubs created in Wonderland Adventures Editor v3.00, the player must enter an adventure that contains Magic Gloves (Floinging back to this adventure will not work), collect the Magic Gloves and charge them with magic, and abort the adventure. The player will initially have 9 charges like other types of magic though once those are depleted, the magic charge counter will count down into negative numbers each time any further spellball is fired. Star Magic Spellballs do not appear to do anything in Mysteries of Fire Island onward.
White Magic / Null
Null Magic can be obtained in the Wonderland Adventures Editor by setting the glove charger's colour to 7. As the name implies, Null spellballs do nothing. Null Magic is frequently used in custom adventures to remove any helpful magic charges remaining on the player's gloves.
The name "Null" was suggested by MyNameIsKooky.
Fan-Made Magic Types
Some people who have made their own Wonderland fan games have added in their own types of magic.
Splash is a fan-made rainbow magic in boywhoflies's Wonderland Platformer. It lets the player change platforms into water. This caused a lot of glitches; for example, after a Chomper is frozen and the player use it on the ice cube, the chomper will start chasing the player again but won't move its jaws. In the game, it is the indigo magic.
Blast is a magic in Wonderland Platformer. It can only be used by Morklin. It summons a laser from the sky that destroys pretty much everything, even the player. It is the only spell in the game that is used by the down arrow key instead of the left mouse button and is not a true rainbow colour (black). It's also the only character ability that has something to do with the storyline.
Chartreuse Magic
Chartreuse Magic is a fan-made magic that is mentioned in Emerald141's custom WA levels, but never actually appears. It is a more powerful version of the beta White Magic (see below) and is used for construction purposes, such as assembling bridges, houses, fountains, and other civil structures, as an explanation for how all the city stuff got to be in Wonderland.
Past Magic Types
White Magic (unnamed)

The white magic lets the player move barrels from a distance. It is present in an early build of Wonderland Adventures, and may be included in later Wonderland games.[1] This magic is actually able to be obtained the same way as glitch magic, and when used does nothing, similar to the Rainbow colour of Magic. Many names have been suggested for this magic type, but the most widely accepted name is "Moove".[2] A substitute for this, Flash Magic, was introduced in Planet of the Z-Bots.