Wonderland is a game series created by Midnight Synergy. It currently has 6 games, divided into two sub-series, the Classic Trilogy and the Wonderland Adventures Trilogy. The game's characters are yellow spherical creatures called Stinkers.

The history of the Wonderland games is told in The Midnight Post, where Patrick explains how he came up with the idea of Wonderland, and what he plans to do in the future.

Courtesy of Midnight Synergy, Wonderland has its own forum. It is located at the forums. By registering to the discussion board, you can get help on levels and download custom levels, models, textures, etc. for Return to Wonderland from the comfort of your own computer.

Games – Classic Trilogy


Wonderland (also known as The Original Wonderland) is the first game of the series. It was released on October 24, 2002. Only Stinky and Loof are featured in the game. It contains 10 worlds.

Return To Wonderland

Return to Wonderland is the second game of the Classic Trilogy. Stinky and Loof return, and new Stinkers Qookie, and Peegue are introduced. There are 3 official level sets: Classic, Deluxe, and Platinum (the latter of which was released after Wonderland Secret Worlds). The game has a Level Editor which allows levels to be created and shared on the Wonderland Discussion Board.

Wonderland Secret Worlds

Wonderland Secret Worlds is the third game in the Classic Trilogy, and the first to use a visual map. Stinky, Loof, Qookie, and Peegue all return and travel across Wonderland to save the Wee Stinkers. This game's map is a map of the whole of Wonderland.

Stinky and Loof in Wonderland

Stinky and Loof in Wonderland is a Unity remake of the Classic Trilogy that adds several new features. It is the first game in the Wonderland series to be officially released on non-PC platforms and is currently out on iOS and Android with releases on other platforms currently planned for the future.

Games – Wonderland Adventures Trilogy

Wonderland Adventures

Wonderland Adventures is the fourth game in the series, and the first of the Wonderland Adventures series. You can play as Stinky, Loof, Qookie, Peegue, or create your own Stinkers with the Custom option. This game is drastically different from its predecessors. Unlike the Classic Trilogy, the player can move diagonally with the mouse or the arrow keys, talk to NPCs, cast magic spells, and much more. The game is divided into Hub and Adventures, where Adventures are the levels, and the Hub is the regions outside. The game also has a free editor to download separately, where you can create your own Adventures and share them with other people. The design of the hubs are very similar to the map in Wonderland Secret Worlds, as the hubs also represent the Wonderland world.

Mysteries of Fire Island

Mysteries of Fire Island, or WA:MOFI for short, is the sequel to Wonderland Adventures. It has new game elements and a more complex story.

Planet of the Z-Bots

Planet of the Z-Bots is the third game in the Wonderland Adventures series.