Ms. Pac-Man!

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Ms. Pac-Man!
WorldRetro Gaming, Wonderland-Style
Playable StinkersStinky
Rainbow Coins73
Bonus Coins4
Music TrackTrack 1

Ms. Pac-Man! is the first level in Retro Gaming, Wonderland-Style. It is based on both the 1980 arcade game Pac-Man and its 1982 sequel Ms. Pac-Man.

Origin and Differences

A screenshot from Pac-Man
A screenshot from Ms. Pac-Man

Pac-Man was developed by Namco and originally released in July of 1980. In it, the game's main character, Pac-Man, goes around a maze eating dots while dodging four ghosts: Blinky, Pinky, Inky, and Clyde. Larger dots in the corners of the maze called Power Pellets serve as power-ups. If Pac-Man eats one, the ghosts turn blue and are able to be eaten. Warp tunnels at the side of the maze can also be used to escape from the ghosts and quickly reach the other side of the maze.

Ms. Pac-Man was developed by General Computer Corporation and released on January 13, 1982 by Midway. It is similar in gameplay to its predecessor but contains several differences such as new mazes, different ghost behavior, and changing the name of the orange ghost to Sue. It also introduces Pac-Man's wife Ms. Pac-Man who serves as the game's playable character.

The version in Return to Wonderland is very similar to the original games. The small dots are replaced with Rainbow Coins, and the Power Pellets are replaced with Bonus Coins. There are also 16 Ghosts as opposed to four, and the maze has an original design. Warp tunnels are represented with Teleporters.


The level is fairly straightforward. Stinky must go around the maze collecting the Rainbow Coins while avoiding the Ghosts. The Bonus Coins are located in the corners, and the Rainbow Gate is found just below Stinky's starting position. If needed, Stinky can use the Teleporters to warp to the other side of the maze.


Okay, this one was straight-forward. Stinky and Loof certainly like to “gobble” up Rainbow Stars, a maze is an easy level to design, and Return To Wonderland even has its own variety of Ghosts. All that was missing were the Power Pills. In retrospect, we couldn’t tell you why we named the level “Mrs. Pac Man” rather than just “Pac Man”. Maybe because it’s the better game of the two? (Note: The maze setup in our version bares no resemblances to the original game. Oops! That could have been easily fixed.)