Dark Caverns

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Dark Caverns
Playable StinkersStinky, Loof
Rainbow Coins7
Bonus Coins7
Music TrackTrack 4

Dark Caverns is the first level in Underwonderworld. The level contains a couple of puzzles that involve Reflectors and Boulders.


Walkthrough courtesy of Wonderland Discussion Board member 'billy bob'

Push the metal box left then push the top right boulder right.

Push the boulder below you down then push the boulder left of you left.

Push the boulder you last pushed down then right.

Push the third rightest boulder up then push the boulder right of you left then up then left.

Push the boulder you last pushed down then right then collect the leftest five coins.

With Stinky, go onto the second highest break tile then go down.

Push the reflector right of Stinky right two spaces.

Get Loof left of the leftest reflector then up.

Push the leftest reflector left with Stinky then down with Loof.

Get Loof right of the canon then up then get Stinky on the lowest bridge then push the leftest reflector up.

With Loof, push the leftest reflector right three spaces.

Push the lowest and the highest reflector right as much as you can then collect the rightest two coins.

Push the metal box three spaces left then collapse the leftest bridge.

Push the two leftest boulders right then push the leftest boulder down.

Push the lowest boulder down then right then collect all the bonus coins.

Push the metal box left then down three spaces then get both stinkers to the exit.