What's Hidden In That Hedge???

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What's Hidden In That Hedge???
WorldThe Secret Garden
Playable StinkersStinky, Loof
Rainbow Coins6
Bonus Coins5
Music TrackTrack 3

What's Hidden In That Hedge??? is the fifth and last level of The Secret Garden. There is a solitary hedge in the center of the level, and Stinky must build a bridge to find out what's inside.


Walkthrough courtesy of Wonderland Discussion Board member 'billy bob'

Push the nearest box down then left twelve spaces then down six.

Push the middle reflector up six spaces then right four spaces.

Push the right reflector left then up six spaces then right four spaces.

Push the remaining reflector right then down two spaces.

When one box is destroyed, move the lowest metal box right.

Push the leftest metal box down.

Push the wooden box right then down two spaces then right two spaces.

Push the wooden box up two spaces then collect the nearest bonus coin.

Push the rightest metal box down six spaces and then move Loof right.

Push the metal box you just pushed right six spaces then down two spaces.

Push the remaining metal box right then down six spaces.

Push the remaining metal box right six spaces then down two spaces.

Collect all coins then put Stinky on the pink button.

Get Loof above the yellow gate.

Get Stinky on the yellow button.

Get Loof on the pink button.

Get Stinky above the yellow gate.

Get Loof on the yellow button.

Get Stinky on the pink button.

When both canons have fired at both remaining boxes, collect the remaining bonus coins then get both stinkers to the exit.