Walking on Hot Coals

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Walking on Hot Coals
WorldTemple of Fire
Playable StinkersStinky, Loof
Rainbow Coins16
Bonus Coins10
Music TrackTrack 2

Walking on Hot Coals is the first level in Temple of Fire. Lava covers a good portion of the level. Stinky and Loof must use a pair of Reflectors so that fireballs shot by a Scouge can destroy Wooden Boxes at the bottom of the level and solve puzzles involving Steel Boxes and Bridges all while dodging the reflected cannon fire. Since there is only one Scouge, one Stinker must stay in the starting area until the other Stinker has collected all the Rainbow Coins on their side.


Walkthrough courtesy of Wonderland Discussion Board member 'billy bob'

Move the left reflector right then up.

Get Stinky across the left route.

Collect the four keys nearest Stinky.

Push the top right metal box down two spaces.

Go left down and right with Stinky.

Go left and down two spaces.

Push the top right metal box down until it is in the lava.

Push the rightest metal box up then right and collect the bonus coin two spaces to the right.

Push the bottom metal box down until it is in the lava.

Push the remaining metal box down until it is in the lava.

Collect the nearest bonus coin and go across the next set of bridges.

Collect the four keys nearest to you.

When two boxes are destroyed switch to Loof and move the leftest reflector left and the rightest reflector left and up.

Get Loof across the right route and collect the nearest four coins.

Go down the bridges and go down two spaces, right two spaces, up two spaces and left four spaces.

Go down six spaces, right four spaces, go up two spaces, left two spaces and down six spaces.

Collect the remaining keys and wait until the remaining boxes are obliterated, then get both stinkers to the exit.