Escape From The Foggy Mountains

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Escape From The Foggy Mountains
WorldUnder the Foggy Mountains
Playable StinkersStinky, Loof
Rainbow Coins8
Bonus Coins0
Music TrackTrack 4

Escape From The Foggy Mountains is the tenth and final level in Under the Foggy Mountains. The level has Stinky and Loof using Prisms to destroy Powder Kegs blocking the way out of the caves beneath the Foggy Mountains. Along the way, they spot a strange shape beneath the lava and get a bad feeling about it.


Walkthrough courtesy of Wonderland Discussion Board member 'billy bob'

With Stinky move across the leftest bridge then move across the three lowest bridges collecting three coins.

With Loof move across the highest bridge then move across the three rightest bridges collecting three coins.

Push the highest keg left then push the boulder up.

Move onto the lowest conveyor button then with the other Stinker push the highest of the leftest prisms right.

Push the prism below down six spaces then push the leftest of the second lowest prisms down four spaces.

Push the third lowest prism down eight spaces then right three spaces.

Push the rightest of the highest prisms down nine spaces then push the highest prism right.

Push the prism you just pushed down seven spaces then push the leftest of the highest prisms left.

Push the prism you just pushed down six spaces then push the highest prism left.

Push the prism below down seven spaces then push the highest prism right.

Push the prism you just pushed down six spaces then move two spaces right of the cannon.

With the other Stinker push the rightest prism down three spaces then left three spaces.

With the other Stinker push the prism below down three spaces then right two spaces.

Push the prism you just pushed down four spaces then right.

Push the leftest of the second lowest prisms down two spaces then right three spaces.

Push the prism you just pushed down three spaces then with the other Stinker move two spaces right of the cannon.

Push the prism you just pushed left three spaces then with the other Stinker down three spaces.

Push the prism you just pushed right two spaces then down four spaces.

Push the third lowest prism right two spaces then down five spaces.

With the other Stinker move two spaces right of the cannon then with the other Stinker push the highest of the rightest prisms left three spaces.

With the other Stinker push the prism below down three spaces then right two spaces.

Push the rightest of the highest prisms down two spaces then right two spaces.

Push the prism you just pushed down five spaces then move the other Stinker two spaces right of the cannon.

Push the highest of the rightest prisms left three spaces then with the other Stinker down three spaces.

Push the rightest of the highest prisms down four spaces then right three spaces.

Push the prism you just pushed down three spaces then left three spaces.

Push the third highest prism right two spaces then down three spaces.

Push the prism you just pushed right three spaces then down three spaces.

Push the rightest of the highest prisms down four spaces then right four spaces.

Push the highest prism right then down four spaces.

Push the prism you just pushed left then move both Stinkers out of the path of fireballs.

Move two spaces right of the cannon then with the other Stinker move the boulder right.

Push the boulder you just pushed down then right.

Push the boulder you just pushed down then left.

With the other Stinker push the boulder down then right.

Push the boulder down then move two spaces below the boulder.

With the other Stinker push the boulder right then down.

Move across the two lowest conveyors then move down.

Move right then down.

With the other Stinker push the boulder right then down.

Move below the space left of the boulder then with the other Stinker push the boulder left.

With the other Stinker push the boulder up then left.

Collect both remaining coins then move both Stinkers to the exit.

Additional Secret (spoilers)

Clue 1 for Super Secret Feature B is located here. To reach it, Loof must enter a Fake Wall to the left of his starting position and then move down to push a Steel Box into lava. Stinky can then move south from the lava pool at the start and follow a path of Fake Walls. As soon as he passes the single lava tile adjacent to the Fake Walls, he must go down, left, and up to push another Steel Box and complete the bridge. One of the Stinkers can then go west of the bridge and follow the path down to the sign.