We End at the Beginning

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We End at the Beginning
WorldFull Circle
Playable StinkersStinky
Rainbow Coins11
Bonus Coins4
Music TrackTrack 2

We End at the Beginning is the first level in Full Circle (tenth in Stinky and Loof in Wonderland). It starts as a replica of First Steps which Stinky even comments on. Once Stinky approaches the Rainbow Gate, however, he is teleported to a puzzle involving Flying Saucers and Reflectors.


Walkthrough courtesy of Wonderland Discussion Board member 'billy bob'

Push the leftest box left then push the highest of the second leftest boxes right three spaces.

Collect the leftest three bonus coins then push the fifth leftest box down.

Push the box right of you right then push the box right of the box you just pushed up.

Collect the remaining bonus coin then collect the remaining coins.

Push the highest box right then push the reflector two spaces left of you left.

Go back into the yellow teleport then once the fire has stopped go back into the yellow teleport.

Move right of leftest of the eighth highest reflectors.

Move left then push the reflector above you up then move up.

Once the fireballs have gone then go into the yellow teleport from below.