Hidden Safety?

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Hidden Safety?
WorldCloud City
Playable StinkersStinky, Loof, Qookie, Peegue
Bonus Coins8
Music TrackTrack 1
RewardRainbow Star

Hidden Safety? is a level in the Cloud City region of Wonderland Secret Worlds.

Here, the four Stinkers have to find a way to trap the first UFO at a safe location where it wouldn't be able to harm any Stinkers on the looping conveyor. Thereafter, they need to collect the Keys and Bonus Coins on each of the four floating islands in the corners, making use of the invisible walls to hide from the UFOs.


  1. Start with Loof. Immediately push one tile right and then one tile down to prevent the UFO from entering the right-hand area, then push the first plasma box up two tiles. Move to the tile below the dark blue teleporter.
  2. Switch to Qookie. Once the UFO passes to the right of the red teleporter, push one tile up and three tiles left, then push the topmost plasma box right two tiles to trap the UFO on the bridge tile. Wait beside the red teleporter.
  3. Now let Peegue push one tile right, go straight down to push the plasma box next to the yellow teleporter, and wait beside the yellow teleporter.
  4. Finally, let Stinky push one tile down, two tiles left and stand beside the green teleporter. The characters should now be positioned as shown in the diagram.
  5. It's up to Peegue to collect all the Rainbow Coins and Bonus Coins! Start by going down through the yellow teleporter, collect the Bonus Coins, and go to the gray teleporter. There are hidden blocking tiles everywhere that block UFO fire, but also impede Peegue's progress. Look for the green-faced tiles to guide your route to the teleporter!
  6. Continue through the white, blue, and violet teleporters. Look for the green face to guide your path, and to the central track to show which way to enter each teleporter. Proceed to the exit after passing through the violet teleporter.
  7. Repeat the above with Stinky, Loof, and Qookie so all the characters exit. Each character should be sure the UFO has passed the destination teleporter before leaving the saftey of the central area!