Cloud City

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For the Wonderland Secret Worlds (WSW) level named "Cloud City", see Cloud City (level).
A map of Cloud City as seen in Wonderland Secret Worlds.

Cloud City is a city located in the skies above Wonderland that appears in Wonderland Secret Worlds. Its existence is alluded to by a sign in The Old Cabin that says, "Once five Rainbow Stars are found, head to the highest peak and gaze toward the rising sun."


As its name suggests, Cloud City is located among the clouds above Wonderland. According to the Wonderland Secret Worlds map, it appears to be situated above northeastern Wonderland. It is implied that the magic of the rainbow is used to bridge the gap between Foggy Peak and Cloud City. This magic houses a puzzle near the Cloud City entrance that must be solved in order to enter the city. Kaboom!s, Z-Bots, and UFOs are known inhabitants of the city. The city square is located in the southeastern part of the city with one notable building there being The Tavern.


Wonderland Secret Worlds

Cloud City is visited by Stinky, Loof, Qookie, and Peegue on their quest to rescue the little Stinkers. It is accessed by pressing right on Foggy Peak and paying 5 Rainbow Stars. The earliest the player can visit Cloud City is by clearing every secret level up to The Secret Cave in The Volcano. In the Secret Worlds story in Stinky and Loof in Wonderland, it is the seventh chapter and takes place between The Foggy Mountains and Fire Island.


Every level in Cloud City is a secret level, and clearing them is mandatory to access the final level of the game.

Additionally, the path structure is more maze-like compared to other areas. This means that inputting a direction may not take the player to an adjacent level. The following table shows where each input leads the player to in Wonderland Secret Worlds.

Level Up Left Down Right
The Magic of the Rainbow Foggy Peak Hidden Safety? Cloud City
Cloud City The Magic of the Rainbow Neighbourhood Watch
Hidden Safety? The City Square
Locked Out The City Square Neighbourhood Watch
The City Square Cloud City
Neighourhood Watch Locked Out The City Square

In the Secret Worlds map in Stinky and Loof in Wonderland, the locations of some of the levels are changed. Despite this, the path structure is mostly identical between the two games. The one exception is that to access Neighborhood Watch from Locked Out, the player must press left instead of right.


  • The maze-like path structure in Cloud City was inspired by the mazes in the text adventure games Colossal Cave Adventure and Zork initially released in 1976 and 1977 respectively.[1] Similar "all-alike" mazes would also appear in later Wonderland games.


  1. [1] Midnight Post, Issue 20, Page 2
