Tick Tock

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Tick Tock
Playable StinkersStinky
Rainbow Coins3
Bonus Coins5
Time0:40 (up to 2:10 with Alarm Clocks)
Music TrackTrack 4

Tick Tock is the ninth level in Underwonderworld. In this level, Loof must quickly push a Wooden Box down to Stinky so that he can trap a Kaboom! and open the way to the Rainbow Gate.


Walkthrough courtesy of Wonderland Discussion Board member 'billy bob'

Collect a clock then push the lowest box right three spaces then down.

Press the pink button then push the box within the open pink gate down.

Push the box you just pushed left two spaces using Stinky.

Move the Loof out of the open pink gate then push the box you pushed last left as much as you can without eliminating the Kaboom!.

Push the leftest box up as much as you can without eliminating the Kaboom!.

Push the highest box right as much as you can without eliminating the Kaboom! then push the box you just pushed down as much as you can.

Collect all the coins then press the yellow button then press the timer button.

Get the other stinker to collect all the bonus coins then get both stinkers to the exit.