Beam Me Up!

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Beam Me Up!
WorldAnd Then There Were Three
Playable StinkersStinky, Loof, Qookie
Rainbow Coins2
Bonus Coins2
Music TrackTrack 3

Beam Me Up! is the fifth and final level in And Then There Were Three. Stinky, Loof, and Qookie find the main transport station to the Alien Base and must find a way to enter it. The level also cycles through various colors. The level name is likely derived from the quote "Beam me up, Scotty" which is associated with the Star Trek series but has almost never been said verbatim in any official media.


Walkthrough courtesy of Wonderland Discussion Board member 'billy bob'

Push the rightest boulder up then left.

Push the boulder you just pushed right then down.

Push the leftest metal box down then push the highest boulder up.

Push the boulder you just pushed left then right.

Push the leftest metal box right four spaces then up five spaces.

Push the metal box you just pushed right then move onto the rightest down-pointing conveyor.

With another Stinker push the highest box down then move up.

With the Stinker right of a blue teleport move across the right bridge path.

Push the lowest box down then push the rightest metal box down three spaces.

Push the box up then left using two bridges.

Push the rightest metal box right then down two spaces.

Push the lowest box up five spaces using a bridge then right two spaces.

Move through the red teleport then collect both bonus coins.

Move through the red teleport then collect both coins.

Move onto the lowest conveyor button then move the other two Stinkers to the highest exit then move the remaining Stinker to the lowest exit.