Not So Fast!

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Not So Fast!
WorldThe Haunted Castle
Playable StinkersStinky, Loof
Rainbow Coins4
Bonus Coins6
Music TrackTrack 6

Not So Fast! is the fourth level in The Haunted Castle. In this level, Stinky is trapped behind a wall of Wooden Boxes with a Kaboom! patrolling the other side. Loof must use a pair of Reflectors to direct a fireball into the Kaboom! to blow it up and destroy one of the boxes, freeing Stinky and allowing Loof to reach the Rainbow Gate.


Walkthrough courtesy of Wonderland Discussion Board member 'billy bob'

Push the second leftest box down then push the second rightest box down.

Push the rightest box left then down two spaces.

Push the second leftest boulder of the bottom row of boulders right then up without it colliding with another boulder then push the top reflector right three spaces.

Push the leftest reflector right then push the leftest box right two spaces then down two spaces.

Push the rightest reflector up two spaces then left ten spaces.

Push the rightest reflector up then left five spaces then down two spaces.

Push the reflector you just pushed left two spaces then down five spaces then collect all four keys with Stinky.

Push the box that is below the box you just destroyed down as much as you can.

If you can only push that box down once, push it right using the other stinker.

Put a stinker on the pink button and get the other stinker to collect all bonus coins then get both stinkers to the exit.