Introducing Loof

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Introducing Loof
WorldTraining Grounds
Playable StinkersStinky, Loof
Rainbow Coins8
Bonus Coins8
Music TrackTrack 2

Introducing Loof is the fifth and final level of Training Grounds, and the first level where Loof is controlled alongside Stinky. The idea of this level is to show players how to have both Stinky and Loof work together to proceed further into levels. This level is also composed of various buttons and gates. Stinky and Loof need to alternate between spaces and hold buttons in order to get to the exit, which they both must enter to complete the level.


  • Switch to Loof to hold down the pink round button for Stinky.
  • Enter through the open pink gate with Stinky and go into the northwest room for two coins and a yellow square button.
  • Switch to Loof and collect the coins in both eastern rooms. Then hold down the green round button for Stinky. If you wish to get the bonus coins, do not collect them yet.
  • Use Stinky to walk past the green gate and towards the southwest room with the last coins. Push the cyan square button to open the exit passages for the bonus coins. You may now collect the bonus coins with any Stinker, but do not bring Loof to Stinky's side when doing so, as both will not reach the exit.
  • After the sequence, guide both Stinkers to the exit.