Raiders of the Lost Coins

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Raiders of the Lost Coins
WorldDesert Cities
Playable StinkersStinky, Loof
Rainbow Coins5
Bonus Coins3
Music TrackTrack 3

Raiders of the Lost Coins is the fourth level in Desert Cities. It is made up of various rooms containing traps and obstacles. While the rainbow coins can be fairly easy to get in one of the rooms, both Stinkers need to find a steel box to make it to the exit through Scouge fire.


The level begins by having to pass the Z-Bot gates. It is best to keep moving south before the Z-Bots hit one of the Stinkers, but for bonus points, one may release the button as the Z-Bots attempt to pass to hit the gates on them.

Retrieving the Steel Box

Do not collect the rainbow coins yet. Their bridge spaces will be needed to guide and push the steel box to the Stinkers' starting points. Go around the regular floor path of the coin room. While avoiding the Scouge's fire in the next room, destroy the 2-step bridge tile as the Stinker moves on.

In the next room containing Scouges, use the bridge tiles on both sides of the hall as temporarily safe-spots as the Stinker proceeds through. Skilled players can collect the bonus coins on the end of the Scouges' firing points. Note that all bridge tiles in this room can take three steps before depleting.

Have Stinky follow the arrow path to ensure the box can be moved while the steel box is put in place.

At the other end of the room, bring the steel box one space past the firing range of the central Scouge as you bring the wooden box one space west of the steel box. Note: You cannot push boxes toward bridge tiles. Right after the Scouge shoots, quickly push the steel box one space out of the way, push the wooden box west one space, and bring the steel box back to blocking the Scouge's fire as you carefully push the wooden box back to the coin room (see below image). This is used to guide the steel box back to start for shielding the Scouges at the exit passage.

Push the wooden box across the hall into the water tile where the 2-step bridge was (All side Scouges in the room shoot evenly).

Guiding the Steel Box Back to Start

Enter through the directions in this order as Stinkers push the box and collect coins through the room.

Get the Steel Box by walking behind onto the bridge tile, and in front of the Scouge. Continue to use the side bridge tiles upon exiting the room.

Getting the box through the room may prove complicated. Follow the second image below for path indicators used in the coming steps:

  1. Push the box down Path 1 with the first Stinker. Get the second Stinker ready for Path 2.
  2. Bring the second Stinker to Path 2 while collecting its coin and push it towards the given direction.
  3. With the first Stinker, go around to Path 3 via collecting the northeast coin and stepping on its bridge. Once in place and the next coin collected of Path 3, push the box three spaces north (The rest of the procedure may be done intuitively at this point).
  4. Push along Path 4. Be careful not to push it into the open water.
  5. Push along Path 5, collecting the center coin. Be mindful of Scouge fire from the other room.
  6. Push along Path 6, collecting the last coin.
  7. Push on Path 7, out of the room.

Getting to the Exit

The steel box should now be at the start point and utilized to block Scouge fire through the exit hall. Push it all the way through, but stop pushing two spaces away from the bridge line. Both bridges are 1-step ones and each Stinker must walk their own bridge tile to the teleporters.

Bring one Stinker to one teleporter of choice, the Stinker will push a box into water. Use the same teleporter for the second Stinker. Once both are at the exit room, push the free box to form a bridge west to the exit (This can be done without any Stinker collaboration).


The level title is a reference to the 1981 action-adventure film Raiders of the Lost Ark.